Production Executive/ Shift Incharge – Del Monte Foods India North Pvt Ltd

Del Monte Foods, We take pride in our culture, work ethics and decisions that promote a conducive work environment. Our sCORE values make us who we are and motivate us to do better each day. Valuing each other’s contribution and fostering a trusting, caring, open and inclusive environment and treating everyone in a manner that reflects our values at all times.

Our Vision

Creating Delightful Food Experiences

We believe in making the cooking experience better by adding flavours to the dishes that you prepare with love. With a mix of superior food knowledge, passion for delicate flavours and innovation additions, we make cooking not only easy, but also joyous. We believe in serving our customers with utmost honesty and forever being a part of their kitchens.

Our Mission

As an integrated food solutions company, we aim to deliver high quality products to our consumers through superior knowledge of food and passion to constantly innovate. We do so with integrity and utmost honesty towards our people, partners, customers and the environment.

We are hiring for Production Executive/ Shift Incharge for our plant at Ludhiana.

” Del Monte Foods India North Pvt Ltd”

  • Designation – Associate Shift incharge
  • Roll – Third party pay roll
  • Deployment – Del Monte Ludhiana
  • Exp – 3-5 year
  • CTC – 5-6 lac per annum

🔊 Be Aware, We never charge any consultancy fee for jobs.

📲 Foodtech Network WhatsApp Jobs Group
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📈 Food Entrepreneurs & Startups (Our services)

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