Production Supervisor – EK Foods Pvt Ltd (Kiwi Premium icecream)

Taste the best unique premium Ice creams

Innovating and improving product quality is our priority to a delectable range of flavours. It has always been our goal to surpass customers’ expectations.

Our journey began in 2010 when we realised the world deserved better, healthier ice cream. We started Kiwi at the Kinfra Food Processing Park, Kakkanchery, Malappuram. In order for Kiwi to own its state-of-the-art production facility, they helped us build it.

Throughout our history, we have been devoted to creating ice creams of the very highest quality. It is still a part of our ethos today. The commitment that we have shown has accelerated our growth to become one of the country’s fastest-growing ice cream companies. As of now, we have opened a second production facility in Kanjikode, Palakkad, at Kinfra IIT Park, with a daily capacity of 30,000 litres.

EK Foods Pvt Ltd (Kiwi Premium icecream) Hiring !!!

  • Production Supervisor
  • Qualification: Masters in Food Technology
  • Experience: 2 years in Fmcg
  • Location: Kakkanchery, Malappuram

🏅 Food safety training & certification  programs

🔊 Be Aware, We never charge any consultancy fee for jobs.

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📈 Food Entrepreneurs & Startups (Our services)

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