Project Officer – ANNADA (Association for Nutrition and Development Action)

Association for Nutrition And Development Action is a Planet Group section 8 not-for-profit organization that works to catalyse the SDG goal of ZERO Hunger by leveraging innovative food solutions, integrating communities, fostering collaborations and engaging technology to deliver high impact, sustainable and scalable health and nutrition projects.


Realising’ The Hunger Free & Nourished India’


Impact 1 Million Lives by 2025 Through Safe & Sustainable Mass-feeding Solutions.


What I am supposed to do?

  • 1 Ensure that project activities are implemented according to the approved project documents.
  • 2 Coordinate and manage daily planned activities on the field.
  • 3 Guide & supervise project assistants in project implementation and monitoring
  • 4. Provide project updates to stakeholders.
  • 5. Responsible for report writing based on the data collected from the field.
  • 6. Managing Field staff of various projects, – Assign tasks to field staff. – Co-ordinate & support field staff for completion of tasks assigned to them.
  • 7. Ensure that all experiences and lessons learned during the project course are well documented for future reference.

What Authorities do I have?

You will have the necessary authorities to carry out the responsibilities stated above as per the authority matrix as applicable and approved by the board

Whom will I interact with?

Internal: Operations Team

External: On Field Volunteers, Beneficiaries, and External Parties involved in the project.

What is required for the job?

  • Qualification: Any Bachelor’s/master’s degree in Food & Nutrition social science/social work/Rural Development
  • Experience: 0 to 3 years of experience working on development projects.

Science/Social Work/Rural Development

  • 1. Time Management skills
  • 2. Ability to work effectively as team member and independently.
  • 3. Able to work under pressure to meet short & long-term deadlines.
  • 4. Attention to detail
  • 5. Passionate & committed to cause.
  • 6. Communication skills


  • 1 Training in Project Management
  • Things you would you like to know:
  • Title: Project Officer
  • Reports To: Operations Manager
  • Function: Operations
  • Reporters: Volunteers
  • Location: Thane
  • Job Type: Full Time
  • Salary: CTC Approx.:- 4 Lacs P.A.

🔊 Be Aware, We never charge any consultancy fee for jobs.

📲 Foodtech Network WhatsApp Jobs Group
🔗 WhatsApp Groups
🖥 Food Safety Training programs
📈 Food Entrepreneurs & Startups (Our services)

💻 FSSC 22000 V. 6 (Food Safety System Certification) – Internal Auditor training

💻 Food safety management System ISO22000:2018 Internal auditor training and certification

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