QA Executive – Ajanta DairyMilk & Foods Pvt. Ltd.

About us

AJANTA DAIRYMILK & FOODS PVT. LTD. (ADMF) was established in 2018 in the state of Rajasthan (Industrial Area-Dholpur) India. We specialize in offering a wide range of premium quality dairy products including White & Yellow butter, Fresh & Frozen cream, Natural Desi Ghee, Fresh & Frozen Paneer, and different types of Cheese such as Mozzarella, Cheddar, Pizza & Processed Cheese.

We make sure that our products meet the highest standards. Also, we emphasize following of various qualification norms such as GMP and GHP, making sure that all the food safety norms are kept intact at every stage of the production process. Henceforth, we are certified with the following: ISO 22000:2018 (TUV Nord) EIC (Export Inspection Council of India) HALAL OHSMS (Organic), EMS, HACCP, and GMP.

Our parent company, AJANTA DAIRY, was established in 1975 in Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India. It stands as a leading manufacturer of Sterilised Canned Paneer, Sterilised Canned Cream, and Flavoured Milk in the country. With over 40 years of experience, the company is renowned for its consistent quality improvements in its products and services.

  • Company name – Ajanta DairyMilk & Foods Pvt. Ltd.
  • Post – Senior Quality Assurance Executive
  • Experience – 2-5 years
  • Qualifications- Undergraduate / Postgraduate degree in Food / Dairy Technology
  • Location – Dholpur, Rajasthan

Job description

  • Should have knowledge of GMP , food safety ,HACCP, and ISO22000:2018 standards.
  • Responsible for handling External Audits
  • Responsible for Handling B2B clients
  • Handling Customer complaints by performing Root cause analysis and sharing the CAPA with the client.
  • Communicating with clients and Understanding their Quality requirements.

🔊 Be Aware, We never charge any consultancy fee for jobs.

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🥇 Food safety Training & Certification

🖥️ Food Safety Training Level 1
6 Trainings 6 different certificates

Internal auditor training
🖥️ HACCP as per Codex Alimentarius Commission(CAC) Internal auditor training

🖥️ FSSC 22000 V. 6 (Food Safety System Certification) – Internal Auditor training

🖥 Food safety management System ISO22000:2018 Internal auditor training and certification
💼 UGC Approved – PG Diploma In Food Processing & Safety Standards
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