Regional Auditor-XQM, General Mills

India is among the top ten priority markets for General Mills, and hosts our Global Shared Services Centre. This is the Global Shared Services arm of General Mills Inc., which supports its operations worldwide. With over 1,300 employees in Mumbai, the center has capabilities in the areas of Supply Chain, Finance, HR, Digital and Technology, Sales Capabilities, Consumer Insights, ITQ (R&D & Quality), and Enterprise Business Services. Learning and capacity-building is a key ingredient of our success.

Regional Auditor-XQM

  • Location- Mumbai, India
  • Function-Innovation, Technology & Quality (ITQ)​
  • JB & PG- Professional / Pay Grade 45
  • Incentive – Global Corporate Incentive (50/50) , 10% Annual
  • Reports to Jitendra Parihar, Sr. Manager FSQ-XQM & ESC, GEMS

Role Description:

This role is responsible for auditing ingredient & Packaging suppliers of GEMS (Global Emerging Markets) & India Wheat & Finished Product warehouses to help ensure the food safety, regulatory compliance, and quality of General Mills Products.

The Regional Auditor primarily interacts with: Auditors & RCMs in Region, XQM Managers in other regions, XQM/ESC Managers, Regional FSQ Head, Product Quality Managers, Sourcing managers, Suppliers, 3rd Party Audit Bodies, Region Logistics team & Third party logistics partners.


  • Conduct ~30+ ingredient/packaging vendor/Warehouses audits per fiscal year
  • Conduct maintenance audits and qualification audits for new locations, new lines or new warehouses to support the business.
  • Perform risk assessment for supplier & Warehouse sites and support RCMs & Region Leads on exception decisions as they relate to policies, procedures, and specifications.
  • Document audit report and be responsible for follow up to drive risk reduction for GMI.
  • Continue to build strong food safety culture with supplier & warehouse network.
  • Provide training and support to suppliers as needed on ingredients, programs, processes and systems.
  • Utilize results and trends to evaluate supplier performance and support development of long-term preventative actions to address key gaps.
  • Reviews and ensures maintenance of the supplier database to provide reliable information for the status of the XQM program in the region.
  • Provide support as needed for global XQM and regional XQM initiatives including but not limited to process improvements, process standardization, and team development.
  • Lead as NCRMS admin for region to ensure accuracy of supplier information & dashboards and support RCMs on required reporting.
  • Support QAD/MFG-PRO linkages of new suppliers/Items added in collaboration with RCMs.


  • Bachelor’s/Master’s degree in Food Science/Engineering/Technology/Nutrition or related scientific field
  • 2+ years of related Quality, Food Safety experiences
  • Ability to audit virtually and travel ~50% of time as needed within India & also international supplier sites (Middle East, Africa & Southeast Asian countries).
  • Risk assessment skills, Risk management & assessment experience


  • Food Manufacturing and auditing/consulting experience
  • Provide technical leadership to internal and external teams
  • Self-starter who can prioritize workload while meeting commitments.
  • Ability to work independently & being okay with it
  • A team player who is willing to help out their teammates as needed.
  • Ability to communicate clearly and effectively to a diverse audience
  • Willing to be flexible with travel and work schedule
  • Speak English fluently
  • Ability to influence diverse audiences/customers

🔊 Be Aware, We never charge any consultancy fee for jobs.

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