Research officer – Nutri hub, ICAR – IIMR (Indian Institute of Millets Research)


Indian Institute of Millets Research (IIMR) is a premier agricultural research institute engaged in basic and strategic research on sorghum and other millets under Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR). IIMR coordinates and facilitates Millets research at national level through All India Coordinated Research Projects on Millets, Pearl Millet and Small Millets and provides linkages with various national and international agencies.

Sanctioned manpower – 50 scientists (44 in-position)in 17 disciplines supported by 36 technical (22 in-position), 30 administrative (10 in-position) and 18 supporting staff (11 in-position) distributed in its main center at Hyderabad, and the two regional stations at Centre on Rabi Sorghum (CRS), Solapur and Off-Season Nursery, (OSN) Warangal.


The envisaged primary mission is “to promote economic growth by generating and disseminating ready-to-use technologies which create markets, respond to current and future economic demands, and maintain the long-term sustainability of the agricultural resource base.” The major output of the strategy is coherent with focused research programmes by IIMR (ICAR) which not only targets technologies that respond to economic opportunities but also link producers to markets and make optimal use of existing technologies and technology providers.

Through the goals and objectives of All-India coordinated sorghum, pearl millet and small millets improvement programmes under one umbrella of IIMR, it hopes to lead the way in adoption of the new strategy by applying revised criteria in prioritization of programmes and the specific activities under them, by helping the National Agricultural Research Systems to create strong linkages with producers, processors and markets of agricultural produce, and by working with other sister institutes to improve their capacity to carry out agricultural policy analysis and apply this analysis to influencing change in policies that negatively affect Millets production and productivity.

IIMR believes that food security objectives can best be met by stimulating growth in market-oriented production systems which should generate additional cash resources for small holders and increase off-farm employment for rural and urban poor and also develop and capitalize on avenues for value addition and exports.


Our Vision is: “Transforming millets cultivation from subsistence farming to globally competitive through cost-effective and environment friendly production, processing and value addition technologies and supply chain networks”.

The focus of our targeted outputs on a given timeline is in tune with the stated vision that could yield the expected gains in terms of enhanced production and stability of millets under low to moderate-rainfall situations, increased resistance to drought and other environmental stresses to address the climate change, diversification of the genetic base including hybrid cytoplasm, grainmold and leaf disease resistance, headbug, midge, stemborer and shootfly, grain quality and acid and saline-soil adaptability in sorghum; and yield improvement, drought tolerance and downey mildew, rust and ergot resistance and value addition in pearl Millet; and Yield enhancement technologies and blast resistance, including exploring possibility of developing hybrids in finger millet and other small millets; including low and high temperature tolerance in millets.

While grain production is the main focus, forage and stover uses and quality are also of equal priority. National priorities, networks and international linkages, support and technology exchange will be integrated in the research agenda.

Positions Available: Research officer (1 Post)

  • Qualifications – Masters in Food technology, Food science, Food Nutrition & Food Microbiology
  • Experience – 2 to 3 years research experience, experience in non dairy beverages, pre/pro biotics beverage & other

📍 Interested and eligible candidates are invited to apply for above position at Nutri hub, ICAR – Indian Institute of Millets Research, Hyderabad

📆 Application Deadline: 20 March 2024, 5:00 pm

How to Apply:
Interested candidates, please send your: CV, Qualification and Experience Certificates (scanned copies, single PDF)

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