Scope for Fresh Talents in Food Processing Industries

What is Career Readiness & Why is it Important?

Career Readiness is essential for freshers to fulfill their aim of securing dream jobs. FICSI endeavors to guide the candidates through a series of Podcast, Webinars & Panel Discussion. Attend the Panel Discussion where academicians and Industry personnel come together to talk from their experience to enlighten the candidates about what to expect when they enter the industry.

FICSI is organizing Panel Discussion in the series of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav“ on 21st December 2022 from 4PM – 5PM on Scope for Fresh Talents in Food Processing Industries

  • Date: 21st December 2022
  • Time: 4 to 5 PM


  • Shri. Sunil Kumar Marwah, CEO FICSI
  • Prof. Ashutosh Upadhyay, Dean Academics, NIFTEM
  • Col. Ranjan Prabhu, Vice President (People & Culture), Rebel Foods
  • Mr. Ashwin Bhadri, CEO- Equinox Labs
  • Mr. Sohil Wazir, Chief Commercial Officer, Blue Tribe Foods

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