Senior Production executive – Lakshya Bakers Pvt. Limited

Senior Production executive

  • Company Name: Lakshya Bakers Pvt. Limited
  • Place of Posting: Jind (Haryana)
  • Salary per Month: No bar


  • Bachelor’s degree in any discipline preferably (Food).
  • A minimum of 3 years experience in Bread manufacturing industry on similar role.
  • Sound knowledge of different baking techniques.
  • Expertise in Bread Manufacturing.
  • Outstanding interpersonal communication.
  • Exceptional leadership abilities with great attention to detail.
  • The ability to work under pressure.
  • Comfortable with night shift.


  • Ensuring that the bread is adequately stocked with quality baking ingredients and supplies.
  • Ensuring that baking tools, utensils, and equipment are properly cleaned and sanitized.
  • Production, Planning & Consumables.
  • Appraising staff performance and carrying out the necessary disciplinary measures to address poor performance.
  • Training staff to produce high-quality Bread while following proper food handling procedures.
  • Inspecting Bread to ensure that established standards on quality, uniformity, and aesthetic appeal are met.
  • Control Handling & Process loss.
  • Power reduction opportunities finding and implementing.
  • Safety of the co-employees and self.
  • Execute controlled planning of RM/PM as per production Plan.
  • Setup of SOP’s, Manufacturing, Inspection, Quality Assurance, Safety and Hygiene

🔊 Be Aware, We never charge any consultancy fee for jobs.

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