The Directorate of Food Processing (DOFP) under the Department of Agriculture and Farmer’s Welfare, Government of Meghalaya, is inviting applications for the post of Technical Associate Level-III for eligible candidates who are permanent resident of Meghalaya on a contractual basis.
- Name of the post – Technical Associate Level-III
- No. of post – 1 (Likely to increase)
- Educational Qualification – bachelor’s degree in food science and technology/ food engineering/Post Harvest Technology with minimum 55% marks from reputed State/National/ International Universities/ Institutes.
- Monthly Salary – 25,000 with 5% annual increment
- Last date for submitting the application is 13 of July 2024 to 27th of July 2024, upto 17:00 hrs.
Teams & Conditions
- The offer of appointment is open ot permanent residents of Meghalaya only.
- The appointment si purely on contractual basis for a period of one year which may be further extended based on performance and Govt. approval for renewal of posts.
- Maximum age limit is 32 years with a relaxation of 5 years for SC/ST candidates. For persons with disability (PWD)/ Differently abled persons age si relaxable by 01 years (15 years for SC/ST candidates) as per Government rules.
- Applications and document submissions will be exclusively online. Candidates are to visit the links on the homepages of the DOFP ( and fill ni the online application forms as completely as possible, accompanied by scanned copies of self attested copies of all relevant documents, certificates and mark sheets from HSLC onwards and submit ti on or before 17:00 of 27*h of July 2024. Applications by email or hard copies will not be accepted.
- Once applications have been saved/submitted, an acknowledgement email containing the submission APPLICATION NUMBER wil be sent to such candidates acknowledging their submission along with hte completed application ni pdf format attached. The application number wil be ROLL NUMBER to be used for the exam so please keep ti carefully.
- In case no application number is received in the mail, candidates are requested to immediately raise a query
- using the query link on the site well before the last date of submission. Any queries in this regard received after the 27* of July 2024 will not be entertained.
- In the event that candidates are not able to complete the form in one sitting, they can save hte form by clicking the save button. A link to edit submitted formation will be sent to their emails and they can click on that link to continue filling the form at a later time using the same login.
- Please ensure the correctness of your contact details and safe custody of your login credentials and application number as candidates would be contacted only through their emails and on their mobiles. No other form of communication will be used.
- The date, time and venue will be communicated to the candidate via Phone or Email. Candidates are advised to clarify to indicate clearly their contact details to facilitate faster communication.
- Post submission and screening eligible candidates wil be called for an offline written exam on adate and time which wil be published on the website of the DOFP at Only short listed candidates will be called for the exam.
- All eligible candidates are to be present at the exam center at least 1hour before the scheduled time on the date of exam for completion of necessary formalities. Further instructions will follow and will be made available on the website. Candidates are requested to keep checking the official website for update.
- Candidates who clear the written exam wil be called for an interview of which the date, format and time wil be communicated to the eligible candidates on their registered email and mobile numbers and will be posted on the DOFP websites.
- Mere eligibility wil not entitle any candidate for being called for Interview. DOFP reserves the right to place a reasonable limit on the total number of candidates ot be called for interview. Fulfillment of essential qualification parse does not entitle a candidate to be called for interview
- DOFP reserves the right to conduct any additional test at any time during the recruitment process.
- No TA/DA shall be paid for attending written test and interview.
- Selected candidates should be ready to travel and serve anywhere in the state and are to sign an undertaking to that
effect. - The number of vacancies may increase or decrease. The DOFP reserves the right to cancel the above advertisement
for the above mentioned posts), without assigning any reason thereto. - All completed application forms accompanied by the relevant documents are to be submitted on or before the 27″ of
July 2024 by 17:00. Incomplete forms and applications received after that time and date will be summarily rejected. 19. Candidates are requested to check the official website frequently for updates.
Instructions to Candidates
- Steps to complete the Application Process.
- Application Form may be submitted in four simple steps.
- Step 1 Visit the websites of DOFP and click on the application form link on the homepage
- Step 2 Fil ni the online form as completely as possible and upload al documents
- Step 3 Click submit fi complete or save fi you want ot complete ti later. An acknowledgement email wil come with the application number ni case of the former and a link to edit the form ni case of the latter. The application number given in the mail will be the roll number to be used during the exam.
- Step 4 Print out the acknowledgment email and paste your photo ni the top right hand corner before the exam. Bring the printout on the day of the exam. And no correspondence on this account will be entertained.
- All the 4 steps can be done together or at separate times.
- NOTE The final submission of Online Application Form will remain incomplete if Step-2 and Step-3 are not complete. Such forms will stand rejected and no correspondence on this account will be entertained.
The entire application process of applying si online, including uploading of scanned images and Printing of acknowledgement mail. Therefore, candidates are not required to send/submit any document (s) including Confirmation Page to DOFP through Post/Fax/E-mails/ by Hand.
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