Union Minister of Food Processing Industries, Chirag Paswan announce expansion of NIFTEM in every state

The government wants to have the National Institute of Food Technology Entrepreneurship and Management (NIFTEM) in every state and it is moving ahead with this intention. This was stated by Union Food Processing Industries Minister Chirag Paswan while addressing media in New Delhi yesterday on World Food India- 2024, which is scheduled to be held in the national capital in September this year.  He said the food processing sector has a huge potential and it can play a major role in increasing farmers’ income and realising the dream of developed India. 

Mr Paswan added that the sector can generate a significant number of employment opportunities in the country. The Minister also talked about creating more food processing infrastructure in different areas so that local foods and products can be processed locally.

Mr Paswan said that he will work on reducing the wastage of vegetables, fruits and other products in the next five years. He added that hygiene, quality checks and meeting global standards will also be his priorities.

Speaking on the occasion, Minister of State for Food Processing Industries, Ravneet Singh Bittu said Indian foods are being loved across the world and there is a need to further strengthen the food processing industries. He said the country’s processed food export has increased significantly in the last ten years. The World Food India – 2024 will be a global event to bring the global food processing industry together. It is also intended to introduce the world to rich Indian food culture as well as promote investments in the diverse food processing sector of the country.

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