Audit executive & Research & Development Executive – Foodsure

Foodsure is a well-experienced consultancy and interim management solutions providing brand which support clients business through process optimization, product innovation, coaching generating sustainable growth, business extension and profit improvement. We are helping the professionals engaged in food & hospitality industries by building their dreams.

We have the pursuit of perfection and passionate towards providing best experiences to our valuable clients. Being a service provider, we are rendering a bucket of Food Product Development Consultants, Food Consultant, Food Safety Consultancy Services, Food Certification Services and many more.

Making some unique dish which also tastes delicious is one thing and transforming ones dream & love for food into a business is another amazing thing that can blow millions of minds.

Our brand, Foodsure is also supporting the existing companies by helping them in their daily operations, planning & preparing futuristic strategies and overall development. From making clear, strong and tactical business strategies to helping new brands in the establishment.

Position- Audit Executive

Total Position-02


Preference-Fresher or 06 Month Experience

Male & Female both Preferred Open for the travel over PAN India Total

Position- Research & Development Executive


Preference-1 Year Experience

Male & Female both Preferred

🔔👥 WhatsApp –  Join our groups for regular updates (Jobs, News, Training etc) If you are already in our groups, please don’t join. All Groups are same.

🔬👩‍🎓 Join Food safety Training Programs (Online/Offline)
• FOSTAC Training
• Internal Auditor
• Level 1 Training
• 5G training
• Virtual Internship

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