Asst Mgr/ Manager Production – Numix Industries Pvt Ltd

About Us

You and your bar are unique. We know it, hence we want to help you create a bar that meets all your expectations. Our in-house R&D expertise can help convert your concept into a commercial consumer product.

At Numix, we are committed towards developing and co-manufacturing healthy and tasty products.

The easiest way to launch bars under your brand is by choosing products from our extensive range of Ready to Launch Bars.All you require is a valid FSSAI Marketing License and you are some paper-work away from capturing the market!

Your Vision, Our Solution !

With our experience in Co-Manufacturing, we understand that every project is important, and we know its intricacy. Our customers may be large experienced companies or startups, but we own up to the challenges around each project and ensure a smooth and successful launch. 

Developing Convenient Healthy

>> Extensive in-house research & development

>> Latest technology

>> World class product manufacturing lines.

We help our clients provide high quality products to tap the exponential rate growing industry.

  • Company: Numix Industries Pvt Ltd,
  • Location – Kashipur, Uttarakhand
  • Position: Asst Mgr/ Manager Production
  • Minimum Experience: 5 years, preferably in chocolate/food manufacturing
  • Education: Food technology/ Mechanical Engineering
  • Salary: 5-6LPA

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🔬👩‍🎓 Join Food safety Training Programs (Online/Offline)
• FOSTAC Training
• Internal Auditor
• Level 1 Training
• 5G training
• Virtual Internship

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