CHAYAM TEA – Food Technologist

About the Company

We are a start-up in the Tea space. Infusing the traditional Chai with authentic and flavourful ingredients – all NATURAL, we present to you the quintessential Indian drink with a modern twist – to appeal to the millennial.


  • Modify existing products and processes and develop new ones
  • Check and improve safety and quality control procedures
  • Research current consumer markets and latest technologies to develop new product concepts
  • Select raw materials and other ingredients from suppliers
  • Prepare product costing based on raw materials and manufacturing costs to ensure profitable product
  • Run trials of new products – either alongside or together with product development
  • Coordinate launches of new products
  • Deal with any customer complaint investigations or product issues
  • Compile, check and approve product specifications and labelling
  • Work on packaging innovation and technology
  • Conduct experiments and produce sample products
  • Design the processes and machinery for making products with a consistent flavor, colour and texture in large quantities

Salary- 15000/- to 30000/

Location – Kolkata, West Bengal, India

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