Food regulator FSSAI on Wednesday said more than 27,500 litres of loose cooking oils were seized as part of its campaign against adulteration of edible oils that was carried out between August 1 and 14. Of the total quantity of edible oils seized during the campaign, the maximum quantities were from Uttar Pradesh at 21,865 litres followed by 5,360 litres in Rajasthan and nearly 205 litres in Tamil Nadu.
Small quantities were seized in Andhra Pradesh and Chhattisgarh at 75 litres and 25 litres, respectively. Of the total quantity of edible oils seized during the campaign, the maximum quantities were from Uttar Pradesh at 21,865 litres followed by 5,360 litres in Rajasthan and nearly 205 litres in Tamil Nadu.
In a statement, FSSAI said it has concluded the nationwide campaign against adulteration in edible oils (single oil as a constituent), trans-fatty acids and sale of multi-source edible oils without proper labelling.
This massive surveillance drive was carried out between August 1 and 14. A total of 4,845 surveillance samples of vegetable oils, multi-source edible oils and vanaspati, among others, were collected across 35 States/UTs. This massive surveillance drive was carried out between August 1 and 14.
The samples have been sent to accredited food testing laboratories for swift analysis. The results are expected in the next few days. “… any suspected case of adulteration shall be followed by immediate drawing of regulatory samples to take legal action against such FBOs (Food Business Operators),” FSSAI said.
The Commissioners of Food Safety in all States/UTs were directed to lift surveillance samples of these products in a staggered manner from the markets so that the sample base is wider and representative of all FBOs/ brands being sold therein.
In the campaign, food safety departments carried out intensive surveillance to track down the delinquent FBOs, who may be found selling adulterated edible oils or loose edible oils.
“Further, as a specific focus of the campaign to check sale of loose oil in the country, a huge quality of loose edible oils i.e., more than 27,500 litres has been seized across the country on the spot during the course of inspection,” FSSAI said.
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