As the COV1D-19 Pandemic situation is subsiding, the online mode of trainings of the following FoSTaC Courses are revoked with immediate effect:
- Basic Catering – Bakery Level 1 & COVID
- Advance Catering General & COVID
- Advance Manufacturing General & COVID
- Advance Manufacturing Milk and milk products & COVID
- Advance Manufacturing – Animal meat and meat products & COVID
- Advance Manufacturing – Poultry meat and meat products & COVID
- Advance Manufacturing Fish and fish product & COVID
- Advance Manufacturing Packaged water and water based beverages & COVID
- Advance Manufacturing – Bakery Level 2 & COV1D
- Advance Manufacturing – Edible oils and fats & COVID
- Advance Manufacturing — Health supplements and nutraccuticals & COVID
- Advance Manufacturing — Alcoholic beverages & COVID
- Advance Manufacturing — Organic food products & COVID
- Advance Retail and Distribution General & COVID
- Advance Retail and Distribution – Point of sale of Health supplement & COVID
- Advance Storage and Transport — General & COVID
The rest of the FoSTaC courses may be conducted in both the offline and online modes till further orders:
- Basic Catering — General & COVID
- Basic Catering Integrated Child Development Services & COVID
- Basic Catering Mid Day Meal & COVID
- Basic Manufacturing General & COVID
5, Basic Retail and Distribution General & COV1D - Basic Storage and Transpoct General & COVID
- Awareness — COVID 19
- Awareness — Street Food Vending

3. The Training calendars already created in the FoSTaC portal before the date or issue of this order are permitted to be conducted as per schedule. However, no new online trainings will be allowed to be create in the FoSTaC portal for the courses mentioned in Para I above.
4 The online trainings of the courses as mentioned in Para 2 above, should be
conducted for duration as same as that of Offline trainings of respective courses 4 hours for Basic Courses and 2 hours for COVID) awareness course.
This office Memorandum hereby supersedes the modified duration of online courses mentioned in the SOP for conducting online trainings provided vide File No.01 –
92/Correspondence/FoSTaC/FSSAI-2017, dated 29.05.2(12(1
5. Training Partners will strictly follow the guidelines issued by the Central Govt respective States Government and Local Public I lealth Authorities on assembly/ meeting/ mass gatherings etc, to avoid spread of COV ID-19 while carrying out physical classes under FoSTaC Programme
This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority.
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