Food Law and Regulation Quiz – 12

Q. The National Codex Contact Point (NCCP) for India is at:

  1. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
  2. Ministry of Commerce
  3. FDA
  4. Food Safety and Standards Authority of India, Delhi

Answer: d)

 NCCP India is located at Food Safety and Standards Authority of India, FDA Bhawan, New Delhi, India.

Q. Recall procedure applied for

  1. Product manufacturing
  2. Raw material intake
  3. Finished product with safety issues
  4. Quality check

Answer: c)

A food recall procedure is the name for actions taken to remove any food from sale, distribution, and consumption which may pose a food safety risk to consumers. It can occur due to a report from various sources, including manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers, and consumers.

Q. Vehicle inspection during transportation is to

  1. Reduce hazard risk
  2. Avoid – contamination
  3. Safety of product
  4.  All of the above

Answer: d)

Vehicle inspection during transportation is done for avoiding contamination and safety of food to reduce hazard risk

Q. Validation of a process to be done after interval of

  • 2 months
  • 3 months
  • 6 months
  • 9 months

Answer: b)

Validation of a process to be done after interval of 3 months.

Q. A person  by whom the business is carried on or owned and is responsible for ensuring the compliance is

  • FSM
  • FBO
  • PRP
  • All of the above

Answer: b)

Conducts business and responsible for ensuring compliance with the FSSA Act, Rules and Regulations.


  • Mousumi Roy
    May 21, 2022


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